All You Need to Know About Keeping Hamsters

‍Are you looking for an adorable pet that can easily be cared for? Hamsters are great starter pets for people who have never owned a pet before. They are compact, easy to feed, and inexpensive to set up with habitat and accessories. If you’re thinking about getting a hamster as a pet, this article will give you the information you need to make an informed decision. In it, we cover topics like the pros and cons of owning a hamster, what type of housing they require, how often they need to be fed, their average lifespan in captivity and much more.

What Is a Hamster?

Hamsters are rodents that can be kept as pets. There are about 25 species of hamster, and most of them are native to Asia. They are easy to care for and are great for people who are new to pet ownership. Some of the most popular species of hamsters kept as pets include the Syrian, Chinese hamster and the Roborovski hamster. Hamsters are nocturnal, which means that they are more active during the night. This can be a problematic factor if you are trying to sleep in your bedroom, as hamsters have a high-pitched noise that they make during their hours of activity. If you are looking to become a hamster owner, you should be aware that they are a prolific breed. Hamsters can have between two and five litters a year, and they can have between six and 12 babies in each litter.

Why Own a Hamster?

Hamsters make wonderful pets, especially for people who have never had a pet before. They are relatively easy to care for, and their adorable (and relatively small) size makes them a great choice for kids or people who live in small spaces. If you are allergic to cats or dogs, you might want to consider a hamster as a pet. While hamsters do make some allergens, most people with allergies can safely be around them. Hamsters also make great pets for people who want a low-maintenance pet. Unlike dogs and cats, hamsters do not need to be walked or taken for a trip to the vet.

Pros and Cons of Owning a Hamster

Cons of Owning a Hamster

Hamsters are adorable creatures, but they do have some drawbacks. They are nocturnal, which means they are more active during the night, keeping you from getting a decent amount of sleep. If you are not a person who is used to getting less sleep, this may not be the pet for you. Hamsters have a short lifespan. On average, they live between two and three years. If you are looking for a long-term pet, hamsters are not the right choice for you. Hamsters have a habit of chewing on things, including furniture, clothing, and even plastic. If you have things that you don’t want chewed on, you will have to put them away while you have a hamster.

How to Find the Right Hamster

When you go to buy a hamster, you want to make sure that you find the right species for you. Syrian hamsters are the most commonly owned hamster, but many people think that they are overly aggressive. You may want to consider Chinese hamsters, Siberian hamsters or Roborovski hamsters. Hamsters are a social species of rodent, so it is recommended that you get at least two hamsters at a time. However, you should get more than two, as hamsters are extremely prolific breeders, and they will breed with other hamsters in the cage. Once you’ve decided which species to get, you will need to make sure you get a healthy hamster. You can do this by smelling the hamster’s breath. Healthy hamsters have extremely aromatic breath, so if the hamster’s breath is not strong, you should walk away.

Housing Options for Hamsters

Hamsters are nocturnal and love to chew on things, so it’s important to choose a proper habitat for them. Hamsters should be housed in a wire cage that is no smaller than 24”x12”x12”. Hamsters prefer to have plenty of room to run around, and they will be much more likely to stay out of trouble if they have enough room. When choosing a cage, look for one that has an upper and lower level. Hamsters like to climb and can easily get lost in a single-level cage. The cage should be made of wire to allow plenty of air to flow through it. Hamsters are known for being messy creatures, so having a wire cage makes it easy to clean out the droppings. It’s important to make sure there are no gaps along the bottom or sides of the cage. Hamsters will chew through the cage to escape if there are any areas where the cage is too thin.

Final Words

Hamsters are adorable and great starter pets for people who want a low-maintenance rodent. They are not only easy to care for, but they love to be held and cuddled. Hamsters make great pets for people who live in small spaces, want an animal that doesn’t need to be walked, or are allergic to other animals. Just make sure you get a healthy hamster and give it plenty of space to run around in a wire cage. Hamsters are short-lived, nocturnal, and love to chew on things, but they make great pets for people who want something low-maintenance.