All You Need to Know About Arabian Horses

‍Keeping any horse as a pet requires a considerable amount of time, money and effort. However, if you have your heart set on an Arabian horse, do not let this put you off. Keeping an Arabian horse as a pet is not difficult if you are willing to make the necessary adjustments and accommodations. An Arabian or Arab horse is a breed of horse that has been recognized by the American Purebred Association since 1930. These horses appear in literature as early as the 9th century, with one of the first references being in the ‘’1001 Nights’’, where they are called ‘’wild horses of Arabia’’.

Things to Know Before Adopting an Arabian Horse

There are a few things to consider before adopting an Arabian horse. These horses are notorious for being high-strung and can be difficult to handle in an unfamiliar environment. Because of this, it is important to make sure that the adoption facility has Arabian horses that are calm and gentle enough for first-time owners. Arabians also require more space than many other horse breeds. The minimum space required for an Arabian horse is 32-40 square feet, while other horse breeds can be kept in 16-20 square feet. This may make adoption a little trickier, but it is something to keep in mind before making a final decision.

Arabian Horses Are Unique

Arabian horses are unique in a few ways. They are naturally born with two white ‘’socks’’ and a ‘’saddle’’ on their back. These markings are known as ‘’splashed white’’ and are very rare in other horse breeds. Because of these markings, Arabian horses are often used as show horses in competitions. This makes them more expensive than other breeds of horse. Arabian horses also have unique markings on their faces. They tend to have ‘’tipped ears’’, where the tips of the ears are white or coloured. Their heads are also long and slim, and they have a long mane and tail. Typically, Arabian horses are 16 to 17 hands high.

Arabian Horse Care Requirements

- Housing: Arabian horses need a large, sturdy pen that has wooden flooring. You can also use a corral or stable if your home is large enough. Just make sure that the pen has plenty of space for your Arabian horse to run and play. Ideally, you want to provide at least 32-40 square feet of space for each horse.

- Feed and Water: Arabian horses should be fed a high-quality grain that is suitable for horses at all stages of life. If your Arabian horse is a foal, make sure to feed it a supplement that is designed specifically for growing horses. It is also important to provide plenty of water for your horse. It is best to have multiple water sources, such as a water trough, buckets, and a water fountain.

- Health and Hygiene: It is important to regularly vaccinate your Arabian horse against certain diseases. These include tetanus, influenza, rhinopneumonitis, and rabies. You should also deworm your horse regularly to eliminate intestinal parasites. You should also provide your horse with daily grooming and hoof care.

- Housing and Environment: Because Arabian horses are known to be high-strung, it is important to provide them with a calm and quiet environment. This can be achieved by keeping other animals away from your horse, and keeping noise to a minimum when around your horse.

Food and Nutrition for an Arab Horse

A daily diet that includes plenty of hay and alfalfa will provide your Arabian horse with all the nutrients it needs. You should also provide your horse with a daily grain feed that contains the proper amount of protein, calories, vitamins and minerals. Arabian horses should be given supplements that contain vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to help maintain their health. If you are unsure what supplements your horse should be taking, contact your horse's veterinarian. Male Arabian horses should be fed up to 22 lbs of grain per day, while female Arabian horses should be fed around 18 lbs of grain per day. Foals should be fed around 16 lbs of grain per day.

Grooming an Arabian Horse

Grooming your Arabian horse is an important part of Arabian horse care. It will help keep your horse healthy, and will also provide an opportunity for you to bond with your horse.

-Daily brushing: Brush your Arabian horse’s coat at least once a day. Make sure to brush the croup, tail, and quarters as well. Brush your horse’s coat to remove dirt, debris, and other harmful material. It will also help to stimulate skin and blood flow, which can be beneficial for your horse’s health.

-Daily grooming: Brush your Arabian horse’s coat at least once a day. Make sure to brush the croup, tail, and quarters as well. Brush your horse’s coat to remove dirt, debris, and other harmful material.