How to Keep an Aquatic Turtle

‍Keeping a turtle as a pet is not for everyone. These creatures are low maintenance but require different care than most other pets. They also have different needs and it is important to understand what those needs are before deciding on owning a turtle. Turtles can make wonderful companions, but they need spacious environments with ample water and UV light. You will also need to consider the cost of their food, their housing and its upkeep, their potential lifespan, and their native enclosure if you plan to keep them indoors as a pet. This article provides information about the aquatic turtle as a pet in your home, how to set up their habitat, what they eat and more. Keep reading to learn more!

What is an Aquatic Turtle?

Aquatic turtles are aquatic reptiles that are often kept as pets. They are a diverse group of species that range greatly in size, appearance, and behavior. Some aquatic turtles, like the red-eared slider, can be kept in an aquarium with fish, while others, like the Chinese soft-shelled turtle, are too large to keep with fish. Aquatic turtles are carnivores (meat eaters) that feed on worms, snails, fish, and other aquatic species. Because they are aquatic, they need environments that are easy to keep clean and include plenty of water. There are many species of aquatic turtles that are kept as pets worldwide. Some of the more common species are red-eared sliders, painted turtles, Chinese soft-shelled turtles, and red-eared terrapins. There are also many hybrids that are bred for their coloration and unique looks.

Pros and Cons of Owning an Aquatic Turtle

If you are looking for a pet that is easy to care for and low in maintenance, an aquatic turtle may be a great choice. These creatures don't need a lot of attention, and when you do pay attention to them it is usually just to make sure they are being properly fed and have clean water. However, the aquatic turtle is not for everyone as it does require more care than some other types of pets. Turtles also have different care requirements than other reptiles so it is important to know what these are before deciding on owning a turtle.

How to Choose an Aquatic Turtle as a Pet

There are several things to consider when choosing a turtle as a pet, including size, type, and the cost of the turtle.

-Size: The first thing to consider when choosing a turtle is its size. While many turtles can live for a long time, larger turtles can live to be over 100 years old. This means you are potentially taking on a commitment for the rest of that turtle's life. Type

- The type of turtle you want: There are many species of aquatic turtle that are kept as pets. Some of the more common species are red-eared sliders, painted turtles, Chinese soft-shelled turtles, and red-eared terrapins.

-Cost: The cost of a turtle will depend on the type of turtle you purchase. Some species are cheaper than others. You can expect to pay anywhere from $10 to over $100 for a turtle.

A Guide to Purchasing an Aquatic Turtle

When purchasing a turtle you want to be sure to do so from a reputable seller. You also want to make sure the turtle you purchase is healthy and disease-free. Here are some tips for purchasing a healthy aquatic turtle:

-Ask questions: Before purchasing a turtle, ask lots of questions. A reputable seller will answer your questions and be able to tell you about the turtle's diet and the costs associated with owning the turtle. -Observe the turtle: Before purchasing a turtle, make sure you are able to observe the turtles in the seller's environment. If the seller has the turtles living in dirty water and doesn't appear to be feeding them, you may want to look elsewhere for a healthy turtle.

-Research health records: If possible, purchase a turtle from a seller that has health records on the turtles. This can help you identify any health issues the turtle has and see a record of the treatment it has received.

Important Tips for Owning an Aquatic Turtle

- Turtles need a lot of water and more water than other species of pets. Remember to change the water in their cages every week and add fresh water each week.

- Turtles are messy eaters so expect to clean up turtle food at least once per week. This can be done using a large colander or a large strainer. You can also buy a turtle bowl that has a built-in scooper in the bottom.

- Turtles are social creatures so if you are keeping them indoors, you can set up a large aquarium with a basking area, water area, and a food area. If you are keeping them outside, provide them with a large outdoor enclosure with a water source and food.

- Turtles need UV light. This helps keep their skin healthy and helps them properly process the food they eat. You can use special lights for turtles or provide them with full sunlight when possible.

- Turtles can live a long time, so consider this before purchasing one. Some aquatic turtles can live to be over 100 years old.


Turtles make wonderful pets if you are prepared to meet their needs. They are messy eaters, they need large outdoor and indoor enclosures, they need a lot of water, and they need UV light. If you are prepared to meet these needs, a turtle can be a great pet. Make sure to choose the right type of turtle for you and make sure you get it from a reputable seller.